Our School Day

We have thriving art and performing arts departments. Students who enjoy and thrive in music, drama, rhythm and dance, art, design technology, and pottery have a valuable creative outlet. The Arts at Kipepeo also contribute significantly to the school’s dynamic diversity, particularly through regular concerts and events that highlight our students’ numerous skills to parents and the community.
We stage three major school plays each year: the Junior School Nativity in Michaelmas, the Senior School musical in Lent, and the Middle School play in Trinity. All of our shows are entirely staged, complete with lighting, costumes, music, and dance sequences to provide that additional shine. In addition, we organize periodic concerts and art exhibitions where children can showcase their talents in Music, Performing Arts, and Art. Our Art section teaches youngsters drawing, painting, sculpting, pottery, design and technology, and woodwork. The art room is frequently available and supervised during free time on weekends, allowing children to continue to express their creativity and use resources outside of class.
We also provide additional instrumental and vocal classes, LAMDA acting, poetry, and musical theatre lessons, and Art workshops with certified and experienced teachers for children who are particularly interested in the Arts. At school, children take MTB Music exams and LAMDA exams, with a 100% pass rate in recent years.